Thursday, January 19, 2012

ReSharper versus Eclipse - Part 2

1. Introduction
One of the (by me) most used and least hidden feature of both ReSharper and Eclipse is the Quick Fix, which I covered in the last post.

There's also a couple of handy keyboard shortcuts when it comes to navigating code, auto-generating code and renaming classes, files, variables etc.

But let's talk about keyboard mappings in ReSharper. You have two options: Either you use the Visual Studio  scheme, or you use the IntelliJ IDEA scheme. The Visual Studio scheme lets you use a lot of the default settings from Visual Studio (but mapped to ReSharper commands, if available) while the IntelliJ IDEA scheme maps keyboard shortcuts to fit a lot of the features found in Jetbrain's Java IDE (IntelliJ IDEA).

Until today, I had never even tried the IntelliJ IDE (I actually downloaded it today just to see how efficiently I could use it after being accustomed to the ReSharper keymapping). With ReSharper, I played around a bit with both the VS-scheme and the IDEA-scheme and found the IDEA-scheme a lot simpler to use.

However, when doing a clean install av VS 2010 and ReSharper 6.1, I found a small bug. At least one Visual Studio shortcut doesn't get overridden the way it should. Annoyingly enough, this is the shortcut called "Go to declaration", which I use all the time. In IntelliJ, this is bound to CTRL+B, but Visual Studio waits for a keyboard chord instead. Since the default Visual Studio shortcut for this (F12) gets overridden by another ReSharper feature all together, you more or less lose the feature entirely.

Apparently, I'm not the only one who encountered this, and a bug ticket was already filed (and now, assigned too):

Luckily, it's a simple fix. I discovered this by a fluke when importing a new color theme for Visual Studio. Simply do the following:

  1. Select Tools -> Import/Export -> Export selected environments settings and save the settings file.
  2. Select Tools -> Import/Export -> Import selected environments settings
  3. Select the option to just import and overwrite your current settings.
  4. Select the file you just exported.

This seems to do the trick, and CTRL+B works again. This bug doesn't seem to happen when updating from an older version (according to some of the comments on YouTrack).

2. Some useful keyboard shortcuts
So, using the IntelliJ scheme in ReSharper, and the default settings in Eclipse, here are some really useful features:

Navigation: Go to declaration (ReSharper) / Open declaration (Eclipse)
Does exactly what it sounds like - Opens the declaration. For instance, selecting this with the cursor over a class name opens the file containing the class and puts your cursor at the class declaration. With the IntelliJ shortcut, this is bound to CTRL+B while Eclipse uses the F3 key.

Renaming options: Variables and class names
Quite useful in order to rename your variables, class names and file names throughout your project. Eclipse has a somewhat clumsy way of doing this since it basically separates this into two features. The first one is called Rename in file an renames instance names, class names etc. in the current file only. The shortcut is a keyboard chord: CTRL+2, R. The other feature is Rename in workspace, which replaces all instances of the name in the entire workspace. The shortcut for this one is ALT+SHIFT+R. Both of them are also available through the quick fix (which I tend to use here instead)

In ReSharper, this is more or less baked together into one command: F2
For me, using F2 makes a lot of sense, since this is the usual "renaming" shortcut. It's used in a lot of file explorers such as MS Explorer in Windows, but also Dolphin and Nautilus (for the KDE and Gnome desktop environments, respectively). However, since Eclipse supports the option to change individual bindings, you could basically just do this. You could also change your layout completely. As in ReSharper, Eclipse supports multiple schemes. For instance, you could use schemes similar to the EMacs Text Editor.

Renaming options: Files
Eclipse and Resharper both have some really good renaming features when it comes to renaming files. For instance, a lot of times you'll want to rename a file after renaming a class. This is especially true when doing Java, since Java demands that a .java file contains one and only one class/interface (inner classes excepted). But more often than not, you'll want to at least follow this convention in .NET too (Yes, I know that there are cases where it's logical to group several classes into one file).

In ReSharper, you can of course use the F2 key, and in Eclipse, the ALT+SHIFT+R key, both described above. But you have options. In both environments, you could just simply change the class name directly in the source and use the quick fix to apply the refactoring. For instance, suppose I want to rename a class in Eclipse from TestProject to MyTestProject. This will immediately cause a compile error, but also trigger a quick fix renaming option, as seen in figure 1:

Figure 1: Renaming via the Eclipse quick fix

The same holds in VS+ReSharper, sans the compile error. If I try to rename a class from StrCalcTest to StrCalcTester, I get the following quick fix:

Figure 2: Renaming via the ReSharper quick fix - And yes: I finally have a dark theme for VS!

3. Final thoughts
So, I'm not going to try and answer the question of "which one is better" here, since both environments pretty much do what they are supposed to do. However, I thought that a small map of how the shortcuts in Eclipse and ReSharper relate could be of use. I'll try to include an updated version of this list in the end of every post from now on.

Functionality Eclipse ReSharper
Go to declaration F3 Ctrl+B
Rename in file Ctrl+2, R F2
Rename everywhere Alt+Shift+R F2

Hopefully, I'll be able to build a large comprehensive list of commands over time.

4. What's next?
I'm thinking TDD: How well does ReSharper VS Eclipse integrate with test tools such as NUnit and JUnit, respectively? Do we have any useful shortcuts or other information that could simplify things for us?

... I'm aware of a few, but I'm definitely going to find out more about it until I post again.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

ReSharper versus Eclipse

A small note: This article is about different refactoring and productivity options in Eclipse and VS+ReSharper. I could write tons of pages between these differences. After writing about ONE feature, I realized that this would be one really huge blog post if I didn't break it down into smaller posts. So: I'll try to describe one feature per blog post.

1. Introduction
For those of you who don't know, ReSharper is a refactoring/productivity-tool for the Visual Studio IDE, written by JetBrains. Refactoring is basically the process of changing the internal structure of code, without modifying it's external behaviour. Eclipse has had built-in refactoring support for as long as I have used it (couple of years), whereas Visual studio has had some simpler refactoring tools. However, with the ReSharper-extension, you get a lot of new refactoring options. And, bottom line: It's awesome and I'm starting to become slightly addicted to it.

I usually write a lot of Java. I have done some Java EE using the RestLet framework and a lot of Android programming the latest months or so. The Eclipse IDE is usually a good fit for these activities. Being used to Eclipse, I'm also used to some nifty features which are not found in Visual Studio. Sure, VS has some refactoring capabilites, but it's quite limited. For instance, I'm used to hitting CTRL+1 in Eclipse in order to bring up the Quick Fix-menu. This is the one I use most frequently in both Eclipse and with ReSharper, so I'll start with this feature.

2. A glance at the quick fix feature
Suppose you want to use the generic List interface in Java. Since it's a generic interface, it takes a generic type argument too. For the sake of argument (no pun intended), let's say that you're accessing a database containing employee-data and you're feeding the data for a specific employee into an Employee-object. That would cause you to create a list of the type List<Employee>. In Eclipse, creating and populating such a list could look something like the following:

List<Employee> employees = DatabaseWrapper.GetAllEmployees();

Simple enough. However, the above code wouldn't compile since the compiler has to be able to actually find the List-interface, which is part of the java.util package. So, you would add one more line to make it compile:

import java.util.List;
List<Employee> employees = DatabaseWrapper.GetAllEmployees();

Then again, perhaps your Employee class resides in another package called where you store all your DTO:s (data transfer objects). It's not uncommon to modularize your application this way. This would cause us to add another import statement:

import java.util.List;
List<Employee> employees = DatabaseWrapper.GetAllEmployees();

Still not that many extra words to add to your source. BUT: As projects and source files grow, these import statements are actually quite tedious to maintain. Not only to add, but to remove as well when you suddenly realize that you don't need that list anymore. Some class files can have A LOT of import statements, which makes auto insertion quite useful.

The solution is the "Quick Fix" feature. Press CTRL+1 in Eclipse to bring this one up. You'll get something like figure 1:

Figure 1: Quick Fix in Eclipse

You'll select your import, and Eclipse will add your import to the top of the file. Note the small lightbulb to the far left, which indicates that a quick fix is available.

Now, using Visual Studio 2010 and ReSharper 6.1 instead, you can basically do the very same thing. The Quick Fix in ReSharper is (by default) available through ALT+ENTER instead. For a project similar to the Java program above, this would give us the situation in figure 2:

Figure 2: Quick Fix in Visual Studio 2010 with ReSharper 6.1
As in Eclipse, we get a small lightbulb, indicating a quick fix. C# / .NET doesn't have "package" names, but namespaces instead. The idea, however, is similar. We need to add import statements, and the quick fix allows us to automate this. Usually, this should rather be written as:

var employees = DatabaseWrapper.GetAllEmployees();

But in order to illustrate the functionality, I'm not using the "var" keyword.

3. Is this all the quick fix does?
The answer here is simple: No. The quick fix can do a lot more, both the Eclipse version and the ReSharper version has a lot more capability than adding and removing imports. One of the more important aspects for me is the ability to generate code. This comes in handy when writing unit tests and doing test driven development in general where you'll usually want to write how you interact with your code before the actual implementation.

For instance, using the Employee-example above, we might know that we want to obtain a list of employees from a DatabaseWrapper object. We might not have written the DatabaseWrapper class or decided how the GetAllEmployees() method in it should be implemented, but we know it should be there. Trying to use a non-existent class will obviously give us a compilation error, but it will also trigger the Quick Fix:

In Eclipse, the quick fix would give us the alternative as seen in figure 3:

Figure 3: Generating a new class with the Eclipse Quick Fix

In Visual Studio + ReSharper, we would get figure 4, instead:

Figure 4: Generating a new class with the ReSharper Quick Fix

In Eclipse, this creates a new file with the same name as the class. The generated source code is placed within this file. Anything else would have been odd, since Java demands that a class is placed in a compilation unit with the same name. In C#, classes don't have to be placed in a source file with identical name, and ReSharper places the newly generated class in the same file where you used the quick fix.

Usually, but not always, in C# I would want to place my classes in files with matching names. This is no problem. Just place the marker over the class name, hit ALT+ENTER again and select "Move to another file to match type name", as seen in figure 5:

Figure 5: Move class to file with matching name

Note: If ReSharper creates an internal class instead of a public one: Use the quick fix over the "internal" keyword and select "To public".

Now, the next step in both Eclipse and Visual Studio would be to use the quick fix again and repeat this step with the GetAllEmployees() method, which will create a static method in the class, where you initialize your list. The idea is the same as before: CTRL+1 or ALT+ENTER and select the fix.

4. So, which one is better? (Conclusion)
First of all, one should be aware of the fact that while Eclipse is free, ReSharper costs money. However, this might be money well spent in order to increase productivity. ReSharper is available as a fully functional 30-day demo, so it can easily be tried out anyway.

Second of all: This blog post is in no way a complete, comprehensive review of either Eclipse or ReSharper. There is a lot of "little things" that I did when doing this demo that I simply didn't explain and took screens of. It would result in a too large blog post with too much sidetracking.

Both the ReSharper and the Eclipse quick fixes has its pros and cons, but my initial feeling is that the ReSharper-version tends to be less cluttered with irrelevant choices. Writing this, I did find one nice feature with the ReSharper quick fix, though. I wrote a small mock implementation of the GetAllEmployees() to get the code to compile. The implementation looked like this:

public static List<employee> GetAllEmployees()
   var employees = new List<employee>();
   employees.Add(new Employee("Eric", "Lavesson", "Software developer"));
   employees.Add(new Employee("John", "Doe", "Guy who fetches coffee"));
   return employees;

I saw that ReSharper offered a quick fix to use the collection initializer instead (that is, initializing the list at creation instead of calling the .Add everytime). I used the quick fix and ended up with:

public static List<Employee> GetAllEmployees()
   var employees = new List<Employee>
            new Employee("Eric", "Lavesson", "Software developer"),
            new Employee("John", "Doe", "Guy who fetches coffee")

   return employees;

... Which, for me, is a really nice refactoring feature to have. Now, the Java language and the C# language has some differenses, which the available quick fixes of course is dependent on. For instance, ReSharper also has the really nice option of converting some code (such as for loops et cetera) into Linq-code. For obvious reasons, this doesn't work in Eclipse as this is a language restriction (Linq is .NET-specific), not a refactoring question.

All in all, the two features are very much alike. And, at the end of the day, this is the command I use most of the time in both environments.

5. What's next?
I'm going to write at least one more blog post about refactoring options in Eclipse and VS+ReSharper. Next time, I'll probably look at a couple of renaming and code navigation options instead.

... And perhaps a keyboard shortcut reference to show how commands are mapped in Eclipse VS VS+ReSharper..?

Monday, January 16, 2012

First post. Ever.


I never though I would ever join the blogging force - Especially since I've never felt that I could contribute with that much. Seems like this might change though. 

A little background:
I'm currently making the transition from teacher to software developer.

First of all: I'm one of those people who thinks both computer science, math and physics are fun and interesting subjects. Actually, I'm kind of a sucker for technology, scientific methods and objectivity in general. Due to this, I started reading math and physics (without any concise goal) at a swedish university college. After some year, I realized I actually had to work with something too. Seeing how I liked talking about my areas of expertise until people were sick of me, I enrolled at a Master of Educations programme (teacher education), with math and physics as my areas.

Somewhere along the way, I picked up an old interest (software development), which used to take up a lot of my spare time. I started taking some evening classes at college in different programming languages, such as C++ and VB.NET, continuing with some summer classes every year. At the time where I got my education master, I was well on my way to another degree, but this time a bachelor in computer engineering.

Long story short: I've worked in the swedish school system (gymnasium, or "pre"-college, roughly ages 16-19) for the last three years and has worked towards my bachelor the entire time. Today I'm doing my thesis work and I'm about to start a new job as a .NET consultant in a couple of months at Edument AB, something that I'm really looking forward too.

This blog is my outlet, I guess. I'll try to document and share some of my experience as developer. I'll try to share some insight into starting a new career and, hopefully, I'll be able to share some tips and tricks for other developers out there.

Perhaps no one will read this post - I don't mind right now. It might be fun to look back at in a year.
Who knows.

... My first post after this one will most definitely be about my first experience with ReSharper 6.1 ;)